EPA Section 608 - type i
free training software
Get free EPA Section 608 Type I training software, including electronic manuals, interactive learning tools, and unlimited practice exams. To access the full course for other types and universal certification, purchase a software download code.

For software download codes
If you received a download code with your training material, the FREE software below is NOT the software you are looking for. Please click the button below to login/register and enter your code that accesses the full EPA 608 training. The following FREE software only includes Type I open-book training.

Free certification software download
Follow these steps to access our free training software for EPA 608 Type I Open-Book
Now you can take the test right from your home by downloading Mainstream's new testing software. This software provides you with new study tools and the means to take your A/C certification tests right from home without the risk of losing your internet connection. Click on the download link below, study the material by using the study guides and practice exams included with the software, take the test, and come back to ww2.epatest.com to grade an exam with the code you're given.
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The Training Software is not available for Android, ChromeOS, iPhone, or iPad. Login to access our online testing.
- Download the free software – now includes Spanish.
- Prepare for exams using:
- Electronic manuals
- Interactive learning tools
- Unlimited free practice exams
- Take the test of your choice (EPA 608 Type I*, EPA 609 MVAC**, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)*, Green HVAC/R*, R-410A*, PM Tech*, or HC/HFO*)
- After completing an open-book exam, write down the 16-digit code you are given and come back to ww2.epatest.com to grade your exam code instantly online
* Exam price is $26.95 for the first attempt and $7.95 for each additional attempt. This cost includes one wallet-sized certification card.
** EPA 609 MVAC Certification costs $21.95 for the first attempt and $6.95 for each additional attempt. This cost includes one wallet-sized certification card.
Payment is made after submitting the exam code online to process exam results.